konflik :/

erm pekabo ? shat x ?. arini aku cm xde mood sket. nk cter sal konflik aku ngn sugar aku. ntah la. kadang2 aku rse cm dye kesian kat aku je. aku nak try let him go. tp aku takot aku xleh trime knyataan. aku syg dye sngt. kau tau x?. dh cm bodo dh aku ni. pdahal dh brlambak2 dye buat hal. cop ! before ni aku knal ngn laki gk. tp xla crius cm skang ni. aku x penah nangis kot sal laki. tp aku ngn dye. aku kalah. dh brape baldi airmate aku ni kluar. aku try xnak nangis if kteorg gaduh. tp x boleh. aku takot sngt dye tnggal aku. ermm -__-" bodoh kan ? love is the stupid things. people going to be crazy when talk about LOVE. like just i did. aku mcm dh gler ngn bdak name AFIFI tu. ap dye buat aku cm dh redha je.

the biggest thing yg dye pnah buat aku nangis smpai aku ase cm dh give ngn dye. when he treat me like a doll. that time i currently pretend nothing happened. try make it smile, even though i'm crying :(  i love him so much. cter dye cmni. mlm tu. dye ckp kat aku dye x sehat. ptg tu dye ad call aku, then crdt dye abis. oke fine aku caye. then kteorg pun on9. dye cm bz lyan someone. oke xpe. aku sabar. aku tnye dye ad crdt ke x. dye ckp xde. aku pun xde crdt gk time tu. tp dye suh aku call dye after kteorg abis on9. oke ! aku yg caring sngt psal dye yg x sehat pun trun amik fon abah kt bwah. 1st ak call x angkat. then aku try lagi.. dye angkat n ckp dye ad kt luar aku dh pelik. tp xpe la. dye ckp call dye lpas ni. aku tnggu smpai la aku ttdo.. then aku bngun call dye blek. waiting smpai 3 kli, oke fine ! ak sabar. after that dye call suh call dye blek, aku pun call la dye... aku tnye dye tngh ckap fon ngn spe td, dye ckp mmber. oke xpe. tp aku ase cm x sdap ati. rse cm dye ad tipu aku something. aku tnye lagi skli.. then dye pun ckp..  dye on call ngn someone. she is my fren ! then aku tnye spe yg call spe. dye cakap dye yg call. oke fine ! that time aku totally crack. :(

something what we had. we must trough it with SABAR :)

 then kteorg gduh. smpai hampir nk clash. dye ckp dye syg aku sngt. aku pun cmtu gk. dye mntak maaf  what he had done. oke aku maaf kn dye, sbb aku syg dye sngt. aku takot dye tnggal aku. oke ! it sound stupid. tp itu kenyataan. we crying together. i know he really love me. 

AFIFI ! i love you no matter what happened

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